Peter Hübner - from the Opera SONG OF LIFE
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A music example in mp3 format can unfortunately only give you a small insight into the musical work.
Due to the variety and depth of the musical work we recommend a better version – CD format in 16 bit or even better: the 24 bit version.

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from the Opera

4 Processions

Great Philharmonic Orchestra & Soloists

Total Playing Time: 04:00:16

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in CD Quality 16 Bit, 44.1 KHz
wav-format, file size 2425.5 MByte, 4 Downloads
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CD kaufen 199.60 €
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in Studio Quality 24 Bit, 44.1 KHz
aif-format, file size 3640.8 MByte, 4 Downloads
Download kaufen 432.00 €

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Quality in Dynamic Space Stereophony® has its price, but . . .

the creator of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® has determined, that anyone who needs the help of the harmony laws of nature, or the Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, should get it:

  • who has enough money, buys the corresponding music preparations,
  • who has little money, gives as much as he/she can afford, and
  • who has nothing can consequently give nothing and should be supported by special grants.

Dynamic Space Stereophony

medical research

On request of Peter Hübner everything around his Music is organized in such a way that no one from the side of producing the music draws personal profit from it.

It is done via the INTERNATIONAL PHILHARMONY and applies just as much to the composer himself as to anyone else: all profits from the sales of his works are used for further research and development in the fields of music, medicine and education and in the materially not so wealthy countries also for providing patients, children, pupils and students with Medical Resonance Therapy Music® and if necessary also with audio equipment for listening to it.

A music example in mp3 format can unfortunately only give you a small insight into the musical work.
Due to the variety and depth of the musical work we recommend a better version - CD format in 16 bit or even better: the 24 bit version.